We advise property owners and occupiers on every aspect of their property strategies and assist them in the development, buying, selling, leasing, valuing and management of their assets.

We advise property owners and occupiers on every aspect of their property strategies and assist them in the development, buying, selling, leasing, valuing and management of their assets,

Excellerate JHI’s collective 100 years of experience in the local and global property services market, ensures that our clients gain meaningful outcomes from our broad range of services, while our property professionals in over 35 countries optimise client assets, by combining local market insight with specialised expertise and premier tools and resources.

Our culture of service excellence, innovation and tailor-made solutions has ensured that we are a market leader and a trusted name in commercial property services.

Measureable outcomesMeasurable outcomes that directly address client expectations
Control ProcessesControl processes and digital tools that assure results
Analysis and reportingAnalysis and reporting that moves service delivery forward.

Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment

We are proud to hold a Level 1 B-BBEE rating

We are an empowering supplier, enabling SMME development.
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